free will

free will posits knowledge of self and the constraint of the infinite to our understanding of it.

ironic and paradoxical, it rises from ignorance of all paths, all choices, and all outcomes. as creatures who experience only what the senses deliver, there cannot be the level of knowledge required to attain free will as such.

free will is the illusion that all paths, all choices, and all outcomes are determined by self. as if self has or has ever held such power. as if it is possible to see clearly enough or far enough to manage even a few steps in knowledge when all steps we take are moving toward or away.

it is the delusion of self that posits free will, the ego that sustains it — the attachment to it as ideal and the aversion from all which threaten that ideal that are the causes of suffering.

absolutely that which posits free will seeks ascendancy over causal, over kamma. ego has forever sought supremacy… it is the nature of ego to do so.

but it is the nature of mind that defeats it. simply by being.

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