well. here we are.

in about 30 minutes, i’m unplugging. i don’t want to, but i really have no choice. the machine, the loaner, is also dying. oddness. no idea why. can’t figure it out, can’t fix it.

the way i figure it, it’s one of the three components that carried over from the old system…. the video card, the sound card, or the memory. it doesn’t really matter which of the three, as i cannot replace them.

and it wouldn’t matter even if i could afford it, because i now have only those three pieces and my monitor, keyboard, mouse and it takes a little more than that to get a system online.

the drives are shot, the only i have (the primary drive is dead-dead) has had its FAT blown away and if i ever hope to recover anything, i have to stick it in a box until i can afford to pursue that.


offline. until further notice except from work. and of course, that means nothing but internet, email, and the blog.

mark my words, friends, be very careful what you joke about…. not three days ago i said i was seriously thinking about going offline for a while. well. i don’t have to think about it anymore.

on the up side, my daughter is here through next sunday. and since we’re both internet freaks, this means we’ll be spending time together. heh. blessings and curses, all the same.

if you need to reach me and you know how, feel free. if you need to reach me and you don’t know how, read the header for this site, because the only reason you don’t know how is you’re not paying attention. (grin)

be well. 

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