tuesday is soft

this likely won’t sound any odder than anything else you ever read here, but tuesday feels soft.

woke up to both cats curled tight, one against each side, purring in their sleep. closeness, warmth, and safety… then, a smile and up and out of bed! heh.

puttering around, making coffee and contemplating clothing and restless, grinning, giddy for a new day, new beginning, and the nature of infinite possibility – unconstained – and the sense of no need to define, confine, or label.

a brief pass at the usual places, a note to the new twitter account, and then, laughter… up too early, now what?

soma’s groove salad streams as i think about too many things at once. meditation then, stretches and a silly moment chasing the cats that are chasing my feet, playful and free.

a smile for the morning’s emails, both what they bring and what they do not. replies made, and once more… the clock. hah. ok, to the blog then… and here i am.

sometimes i think the best blessing we have is the moment of waking. new day, clean slate, and fresh chalk in the hand.

just think — we get that blessing every morning. isn’t it amazing?

so today, tuesday, is soft. like a blanket fresh from the dryer, or a cat, curled and content by the side, or the feeling of the smile that radiates from the center outward at the thought of it being all being just fine, perfect even, as it is.

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