today’s thought…

Uninterrupted compassion is like a river.
It does not tire or become discouraged.
It is equal to the limits of samsara.
– Drigung Bhande

today’s lessons rests in the telling of the trials of Asanga as he struggles to purify his obscurations. how he wearied for trying to see Maitreya and, when he finally did, he cried out for Maitreya’s witholding of himself from view. but Maitreya responded saying it was not that he was ever less than present, it was only Asanga’s own obscurations that impeded his ability to see him.

to prove this, he had Asanga carry him on his shoulder into the village and ask the villagers what they saw. most said ‘nothing’ and many said ‘poor Asanga, all that time in retreat and he has received nothing but insanity.’ but there was one woman who saw something… not Maitreya, but the diseased dog he had first appeared to Asanga as… and then Maitreya said to Asanga, ‘there is your witness.’

fuzzy outlines. but seen. morning study always brings insight, laughter, and tears.

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