why hello there…

yes, i’m talking to you.

it’s good to see you. i smile to find you here. unexpected, really, but not as in bothersome. more like seeing someone you haven’t in a while and finding that you’re actually glad.

quite a lot has happened since we last spoke. all of it completely irrelevant and without import, other than how it has served to unearth some rather profund things. i’d tell you about them, but it’s always so awkward when you’re really excited to share and you look over and catch a stifled yawn.

it’s ok, though. not like what’s happening here should matter to anyone but me, is it? and it probably shouldn’t matter that much. heh. but meh, what to do? human is still human, isn’t it?

i hope you are well. actually, i hope you are spectacularly happy and everything is dropping into your hand, your life, like a perfectly ripened apple.

i like that analogy in relation to you. do you mind if i play with it a bit?

i hope it is a red delicious. firm and crisp, bursting with juices that bring sticky, giddy, shameless laughter as you savor it. lick it from palms and fingertips, smiling up to whomever is there, in proximity, and having their smile of complete understanding and delight in witnessing it.

i hope work is challenging, but just a wee bit shy of frustrating. and i hope the sideline ventures are bringing more than you expected in all the best ways.

i hope home life is peaceful, contenting, and filled with close and caring moments.

i hope weekends are busy, but not hectic, evenings are spent with companions whose love is unquestioned and is equalled in all ways.

i hope nights are calm and cozy; with peaceful passage into the dreamlands and that mornings are soft, slow, awakening that bring smiles to consider the day ahead.

i hope everyone you meet smiles to see you arrive, and there is always a sigh when you must depart.

i hope the things you most want arrive without hesitation, and that they are always truly what you needed, so you are never disappointed or hurt in or by them.

i hope those you have known strain with are reconciled with ease and set to friendship with you.

i hope whatever struggles you find are always momentary and bring better things than their presence indicated when they arrived.

i hope you know peace.

i hope you know love.

i hope you know contentment.

and i hope you will know, some day, that all these things are meant.

i’m glad to see you.


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