hello canada (sheesh)

if i didn’t know better, i’d think that was a DoS attempt. failed, of course…. but noted, recorded, ip banned, and that’s that.

in other news…

i lost my music archives in the recent desktop meltdown, and among the number, favorites by evanescense and conjure one. thankfully, a friend had the songs i was missing (buying online is great except when this happens. bleh.) and i’m happily listening once more… on the other hand, all the cds i own and had carefully ripped to mp3 for enjoyment must now be re-created.

bleh. that’s a frakking job. may wait until i have a new desktop.

not much happening tonight. a briefly flurry of activity as i discovered someone working on a project overseas that holds value. a bit of ferreting and resource location, emailed to them for assistance. offer of more if needed. i must say, i enjoy that kind of thing. and it feels good to be able to ‘do something’ even as i’m in no position to offer anything but information and the willingness to do the footwork to find it.

other thoughts here, but they will not be mentioned beyond a smile and a nod for how it all just happens as it should.

evening thoughts are peaceful. tranquility remains. odd, but enjoyable.

i hadn’t realized that this is the first i’ve listened to this since… well… since. it feels good to hear it and just hear it. nope. not going to explain.

friend of mine thought to lend comfort today. i smiled for it. told them that suddenly, i’m not worried for any of it anymore. very strange. changes. lots. and more to come, i’m sure. i’m oddly eager for it. bring it on! hah.

words are flowing again. it’s just stupid how much writing i’ve done this weekend. sketches and outlines and snippets and stories. and still not empty. feels like the dam has broken. dancing in the flood. 🙂

evening meditation soon, then to bed. perhaps even early. play in the meadow a bit, i’m thinking. did an AI the other night that blew my socks off. haven’t put it up here yet. not sure i will. going to be a lot to transcribe. i’m still flummoxed how time runs faster when i’m there.

meh. i’m rambling. nevermind. a smile, a wave, and a shot of peace and contentment… me to you, and hoping you receive it easily and put it to good use. 

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