saturday ramble

today was an unexpectedly pleasant day. it did not begin so, as the storm front moved through and doused the area quite completely.

but even this was a blessing, as drought conditions and brush fires have plagued the area a time. didn’t do much for the arthritis, of course. the morning here was spent aching and generally grumpy. but, it passed. the sun eventually pushed through the remainder of the clouds and i decided to indulge my long-denied passion for a book for four.


it has been well documented here that i am something of a voracious reader. my mind eats books. and a good bit else, with hobbies that encompass my own, quirky research efforts across online resources and long-term contemplations (years, not hours or such).

i took myself to the library. and picked up four good, solid, thick reads. that was about 4pm. the first one is almost done and i suspect that, circumstances not changing, this will be a long night of literary enjoyment.

in other news, i was recently referred to a link by a friend who thinks to pique me into the political arena. hah. as if. but, dutifully promised, i did go and read.

there are a number of things that are still rolling around in my head as a result of that reading. a succinct comment left there, i dismissed it. for now, anyway. it needs to stew down a bit before i’m ready to write about it. but there is no doubt that i will do so.

the deliberate choice to end all political activity occurred shortly after the hb1630 fight. when many things became apparent, not the least of which was the utter futility of ‘working within the system’. i likely should expound on it all, but i choose not to in this moment.

it is good to see passion in any moment, but it is painful to see how easily it is turned upon itself. the more time i spend thinking about it all, the more i am convinced the only possible answer is the one that no one ever chooses. mostly because they simply do not understand what it is, what it means, and what result it would create.

i did find it intriguing and enjoyable that, of all things, a game mechanic was the thing to resonate with the writer. it is impossible to explain how much insight has risen from gaming over the years. and it seems something of a dark irony that such deep lessons rest in play when most in this world have utterly forgotten what play is, why it matters, and how it keeps the world healthy.

sorry to be so vague and cryptic. it’s my way of honoring something i’m not ready to really talk about just yet. suffice to say the first sign that you’re on the wrong path is thinking you’re on the right one. more and more, it seems patently true that certainty is the best indicator humanity has ever had that they are (once more) off in the weeds.

so many ironies. so little time.

in still other news, i’m pondering seattle/portland/vancouver more seriously of late. it occurs to me that time isn’t going to stand still for me and it seems rather silly to be content to dream rather than move toward a dream. this said, it’s all still in the thinking stages. said with a chuckle, but also with a smile. i suppose i’m waiting to see if the universe is going to send help or if this is going to be another of my inevitable adventures of determination.

the thought does occur that if i chose to make it a ‘let’s visit friends tour’, i could likely wind my way west over weeks and with much merriment in the process. texas, arizona, colorado, and california… all in the right direction, if not linear. heh.

times like this, i really wish i knew who my real father was… sometimes i feel as if he must have been a wanderer. there’s just no other explanation for my willingness to roll. i think i have finally come to a odd manner of peace with the reality that my ‘home’ is not in any one place, but encompasses all places. world citizen, heh, for all i’ve yet to leave the states.

i do regret the lack of travel. but mostly for not being able to breathe history and culture. 

ah, a friend pings. time to end for now.

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