Save Net Radio (seriously — act… now!)

please. do it. now. it matters and it may well be the only thing to make a difference. read up on it. especially if you listen to net radio. many of the stations you enjoy are simply going to fade away if this law passes.

retroactive royalty increase of 100% going back to January of 2006. can you even imagine? for most independent stations, you may as well just take them out back and shoot them in the head.

perhaps that is precisely what is intended. 🙁

thousands of internet radio stations are going silent today in protest. as you scan the digital dial, take a moment to notice how many stations are NOT THERE. some will be, the big guys that this doesn’t affect…. but if you listen to indie radio, you’ll see what this will mean.

you CAN make a difference this time. please do. the senate is where your focus is needed, not the congress. find out who your senator is… take a moment to call or write. it only takes minutes. it need not be fancy. simply tell them you care and that you want to see this law passed.

there is a convenient contact sheet at the above link.

Deadline is July 15th. Please don’t wait. Act today.

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