well. in response to the comment on the last post, this funny moment.
as something of a pastime, i play with the silliness that is online personality tests. sometimes, they surprise me and are accurate… sometimes they are so far afield as to be jokes. for example, this snippet of a longer piece in which i am informed that i’m “just not like the other gals…”
now mind you, i’m not at all complaining even if it is true… but it just struck me funny that they worked this hard on finding a way to say it ‘nicely’. then again, it was a selling piece that is trying to get you to pay for ‘the full report’. heh.
the idiocy of the stereotype was enough to insure i didn’t waste the money… the pure ‘cold read’ feeling of it all gave me the giggle i sought, so i was content.
but, for the record folks… that is ‘my problem’… i think like a man… only… wait… wait… men are 50-50 thinkers to feelers. that means… hrm. wait. that graphic doesn’t show men at 50-50. hrmmmmm.
hey… waitaminute… where is the other side of the women in this graph? looks to me like only 47% of women feel rather than think…. and that would mean they think….. the rest of the time!!! which means my score is perfectly ok as it is!!
it’s ok to think like a man because 36% of men think like women!
hrm. does this mean there’s hope that eventually all men will think of putting the toilet seat down?
the other thing i noticed is that these folks can’t add. neither of these sets add up to 100%.does this mean the forgotten percentage are aliens? or that they were just people who refused to take this silly test? maybe they were people who, upon hearing of this amazing business opportunity said, ‘meh… i’d rather serve Starbucks.’
the part i liked best (laugh value) was the way every, single piece had the bolded sentence “This is a guiding part of your personality.” ooooh…. i’m influenced by this all the time! fear! what ELSE could i be influenced by and NOT EVEN KNOW IT?!?!?! i must plunk down money NOW and buy this report or i may be the victim of all the things i don’t know that are influencing me for the REST OF MY LIFE!!!
oh. wait. we’re talking about me, aren’t we? you know, the thing inside my head that i live with every day, all day long?
um. yeah. think i’ll keep my money, thank you. i may or may not be influenced by things i choose not to see or acknowledge… but handing my money over to someone else to tell me what they are based on a random selection survey would be kind of stupid, wouldn’t it?
wonder if they have any metrics on the ratio of people who take the test and never buy… because i’m betting it’s a high number.