ten things that gripe my guts

1) people who tell me what i mean, intend, or am motivated by.

2) people who insist their view of my meaning, intentions, or motivations are more valid than my explanation of them, or even worse — that their view is somehow omniscient and refutes my own.

3) people who actually expect me to defend or justify my meaning, intent, or motivation.

4) people who think that being compassionate means always being “nice”, always rolling over, or never expressing other than ‘happy thoughts’.

5) people who think their suffering is worse than anyone elses.

6) people who expect others to agree that their suffering is worse than anyone elses.

7) people who confuse their experience and opinion with objective fact.

8) people who insist that no one else knows something, only they do or can, and that all statements are ‘just opinions’.

9) people who think that a fact must be recurrently proven or somehow, it magically becomes an opinion.

10) people who think because i am human and occasionally screw up and do any of these things, that i am somehow co-opted out of being allowed to be griped by them.

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