home… for now…?

made it to georgia. resting at the house of the folks who raised me at the children’s home. the one place where i can land when there’s no where else. even when it isn’t convenient.

this, the difference between people who say they care and people who actually care. people who actually care will let you sleep on the floor rather than in your truck.

laundry today, then to decide. do i remain here and try to rebuild or continue heading west? it is not as simple a decision as it may sound.

it has occurred to me that i will never reach seattle if i permit stalls, inconveniences, and disasters send me to ground.

and it occurs to me that other than this place, these people, i have no one and nothing upon which to rely but myself.

since i can be homeless anywhere (one of the few benefits of being homeless, actually), why should it not be in the area of the country that i have longed to live in for over ten years?

add to this that, obviously, i do not intend to be homeless forever… and eventually, i will find work and things will return to some semblence of what i know as ‘normal’.

here, an intriguing possibility, not yet more than so…. a friend in california (northern) is considering the notion of a mutually beneficial houseshare arrangement.

in this moment, it would be a windfall. first and foremost because northern california is a darn sight closer to seattle than georgia. also because it would provide a safe landing space. also because my friend needs some support to accomplish what goals they have set and i have the ability to be helpful in that process and wish to do so.

still. it is only a thought in this moment. and i am scheduled to contact them later today and request either ‘go’ or ‘no go’ on it… because frankly, i’d prefer not to have to unload/reload the truck before driving another 2,000 miles.

since this is not my computer, i’ll end here. suffice to say that, for now, i’m safe.

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