rollercoaster high

in typical fashion, life deals another amazing twist, one that would make any rollercoaster envious.

upon checking email this morning, i find a note from seattle. the company there remains interested and has forwarded a test assignment. an assignment due tuesday and for which they will pay me, regardless outcome.

frozen momentarily, i sat here and let my mind process it.

seattle. is. not. yet. dead. to. me.

shiver. shudder. smile. euphoria. shaking so badly that i could not type. had to get up and walk around. move. let my body burn off the energy that seemed to shoot straight up out of the ground and run through to my crown. felt like a damn tuning fork. heh. resonating.

rushed into the other room to tell mom. she whooped, ‘well… maybe we should wait to unload the truck?’ my own ‘hell yes!’ rejoinder set her to laughing as i raced back here to sit down and read it again more slowly.

Focus. hah. of course. what a goose i am. already the structure and format is here, in my head… a spot of research on saturday and it will be ready early enough for me to pick over it and fine tune it and still have plenty of time to get it delivered monday.

i should know by now ‘how this works’. hah. oh me of little faith. there is a slim chance this doesn’t unfold as i see it, but very very slim and i smile for it.

about to head over to the library to get some high speed time and check on things this machine times out trying to load. heh.

more later. perhaps tomorrow. still shaking, but mostly smoothed out into a sense of thrumming that i recognize all too well.

it’s time to make things happen.  

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