my stars. i think i’m in love.
i have looked at this site for some time now, and been flirting with the notion. today, for many reasons, i took the plunge.
two articles up and one is already in the top three (granted there are only four there, but you have to be strategic, ya know?).
i’ll be doing a series on usability in the technology section and this is now added to my daily routine. hell, i can kick out articles faster than most people can breathe. just a matter of getting subjects that really fire my synapses.
the exciting part being that there are publishers taking freelance entries there. hah. potential. i love it.
i won’t be asking you to do anything hokey like sign up and rate me well… but if you’re active there and you actually enjoy my work…. (grin).
all in all a good day. got a few things taken care of and the job search goes on as well. the cloud seems to have dissipated for now, which is a relief.
hope you are well. (smile)