green monday

a good day. work is interesting and not ludicrous. always nice. i’m about to transcribe notes from today and get myself into the backend of a certain CMS with an eye toward writing for the company. should be fun. fridays are business community networking day. i have to decide what i want my title to be… they are letting me pick. (grin)

lots of potential and the principles are both young enough and savvy enough to not need the usual political tripe. very nice indeed.

i’ll be going back to atlanta this weekend to pick up the g5 and my clothing and from there, looks like things are back on track and once more heading in positive directions.

as an aside — i’m once more giving serious thought to alternarrative. joomla is out but there is an intriguing possibility now before me… and considering my propensity for finding the oddballs and psychoes online, i may well be better off to just ‘do it myself after all’. heh. a small cheer has already gone up from the group of folks who have, rather patiently, been waiting for me to come to this conclusion (knowing how stubborn i am, they chose wisely to wait!).

if it goes online, you’ll read of it here. so keep an eye out.

i’m slowly starting to look at the local market town area for living quarters. my friends here are more than willing to let me remain, but all things considered, personal space is still preferred. we’ll see.

oh, hah, in the ‘small world network’ department — i have recently discovered that one of my new friends has a connection to someone whose name i will not utter here. not only this, the connection is of ancient status. it has been very intriguing and enlightening indeed to speak with them of it all and get the ‘inside story’. certainly it has resolved quite a bit of the question marks here. so i’m thankful.  and, of course, it is always nice to have one of the old guard counter the smears left by the others. quite vindicating. quite.

anyway… that’s the update for today. hope our day goes well. (hug)

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