technical difficulties

yup, i’m having them. host is moving servers around so this place may be a bit sketchy for a day or three.

in other news…

not much to report. work is keeping me busy and cell reception in this area is stupidly poor, so the option of telecommuting may well die before it gets off the ground.

not a big deal, really… the office is a mere ten minutes away, but still, i could really become accustomed to the notion of coffee in my pjs and am hoping that it works out before it becomes unworkable (telecommuting, not the job overall).

in still other news, my roomie here has brought home a hippy chick for the evening. not the way you think, more like help someone who’s hungry. still, very odd all the way ’round.

not sure if i’m up to being social or not… heh. i suppose i’d have to explain much more for the sense of oddness to make sense. and as i am tired, reckon that isn’t happening.

all in all, a good day. new coffee blend called ‘storm trooper’. i am enthused.

hope you are well. 🙂 

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