music soon!

hah! thanks to the kindness of timing, i have a keyboard!

now granted, it was not the amazing, uberlicious one with the hammer action keys… but it is a good synth that has midi out and will make a nice controller. waiting on the midi port (super duper sale price!) and my reward to myself for being good, staying on budget, and taking care of business is sitting in the corner, making me smile.

i’m going to be giving myself some recurrent training on music theory and such before i get back into serious composition, but am hoping to be able to set aside regular time for comp and arranging once i make the leap to NC. heh. the very idea is just making me giddy. you have no notion of how long it’s been since i really indulged myself artistically and i’ve been making runs at doing so for the last few years… but mostly feeling too worn down to actually do more than nod at it.

this is about to change. i am happy for it. i doubt i’ll be breaking out of ambient and drone anytime soon, but ya just never know.

as for today, i spent it with my best friend, phil. the amazing adventure and search for midi cables i’ll not bore you with other than to say it was far for boring for us. giggles and amazement that so many places sell the sweetest keyboards ever, but nary a one of them sell the damn midi cables needed to get your tech on! can you believe?

props to KEN STANTON MUSIC for having the sense to carry midi cables AND midi ports (though i regret to say the markup on the midi port resulted in a decision to buy it online).

about five hours all told, every moment of it delight. funny exchange of the day:

me: “yeah, i know, i’m a smartass, but it’s part of my charm!”

phil: “i never use that word.”

me: “what? charm?”

phil: “no….”

me: “ohhhh… but that hardly means i’m not one.”

phil: “no….”

heh.  i love phil. he always understands me, and i can tell him just about anything and even when we disagree, it’s ok. i reckon almost fifteen years of friendship speaks for itself. and even though i am an unrepentant smartass, he loves me anyway. i count myself extraordinarily blessed to have him in my life. (i know you read here…. thank you for being such an amazing person… and thank you for being such a terrific friend. i love you, phil.)

and, to top it off! i had the most amazing phone call with a new friend… good gracious, the topics flew and so did the laughter. i love making new friends. i love the sense of infinite promise and openness, the sharing and the exploration.

a very good day all the way around.

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