good things

ok, ok, ok, already. sheesh. some of you. really. every now and then i have to make this kind of entry because some of you think what you read here is some indicator of my real life. bah. dang it, i knew this would happen if i made a habit of letting you know this was me.

it’s NOT all real. some is, yes. but the point is YOU don’t know which unless you were part of it.

but ok. for those who need to read it…. read on.

my life is awesome. ok? like really really good. like i tend not to talk about how good very often because i don’t want you feeling envious.

but ok… now you’re feeling bad because you read here and you think it’s all real and so you think, ‘holy shit, her life sucks!’ and then you feel bad for me.

well stop it.

look, i have no debts. none. even my truck is paid for.

i have no one i have to support except myself.

i have no issues with bad health.

i get to work this coolio job where i can wear my pjs and slippers and overdose on fresh coffee all day long in the comfort of my own abode.

i’m getting notice for my art and music.

my writing is catching up with both of those.

when i go out, men make passes and women are jealous because they do.

animals still act like i’m snow white. it’s weird. they love me. people boggle. it’s great, you should see it.

i have a new keyboard and am making even MORE music.

there is nothing in my life that is sad. everything i have is wonderful. my friends are amazing. my parents tell me every day how glad they are i’m in their life. i tell them the same.

strangers read my blog and even though they think it’s real, they still write to tell me they enjoy it.

hear me? life is good. i am good. hell, i am amazing. and the only thing missing is …. well… nothing. 🙂

as a matter of fact, it’s SO good i’m even going to put up a new picture. well, ok, it’s almost a week old… but it’s unique in that it is a BEDHEAD picture. so, dig, life is SO good that i don’t even CARE if you see me pillowed and bedheaded.


so stop thinking otherwise, m’kay?


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