Prayer of Truth Dispelling the Dangers of Disharmony

Composed by the Yogi Tang Tong Gyalpo, translated by H.E. Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche at the time of the terrorist attack in New York and Washington d.c., 11 September, 2001, and edited by H.E. Lama Thubten Namdrol in Nov 2002.

The Origin of this Prayer

When there was unceasing war in Kham (Me Nyak), Tibet and nobody was able to create harmony, the Great Lord Yogi (Tang Tong Gyalpo) came to Kham, generated bodhicitta just by merely saying these true words and sprinkling flowers, all the vicious minds (jealousy and anger) were completely pacified and the war that had been continuous, ceased. There were prosperous harvests and so forth. The country became auspicious and peaceful. This is blessed vajra speech.

Great Loving Victorious One (Maitreya Buddha),
Transcendentally Sublime, Compassionate Eyed Looking One (Chenresig),
Wrathful Victorious Hayagriva,
Fully Accomplished Totally Pure (Jetsun) Tara and so forth,
Merely hearing your Holy names eliminates all dangers,
Objects of Refuge in the nature of compassion, Please pay attention!

When the sentient beings of this time (of quarrelling and five degenerations),
Through the explosion of the great ocean of evil karma and jealousy,
Are tormented by the intensive suffering of fighting and quarrelling.
Please dry this up by the power of transcendental wisdom and compassion.

By letting a great rainfall of nectar of loving-kindness on us migratory beings,
Who are engulfed in the conflagration of hatred-fire,
Please grant blessings for us to recognize each other as our father and mother,
And increase happiness and auspiciousness.

May the multitudes of the vicious evil spirits
Who enter the mental continuum and
Change it instantly to the mind of asura,
From now on, never run into this area, this country and this world!

I now pray for all the sentient beings that died in wars,
To abandon from that time immediately, all evil karmas with its cause and effect,
And be reborn in the Blissful Field of Sukhavati (Amitabha? Pure Land),
And then lead all others to that Pure Land.

Please bless all Samsaric beings,
Who are suffering from the cycle of birth and death,
To have long life, good health and to pacify all quarrelling and fighting.
May all beings possess the ten virtues, have rainfall at the right times,
Always enjoy good harvest, and for all dwellings and its dwellers,
Always to have auspiciousness and May such blessings increase!

Through the ultimate reality whose nature is pure,
And by all phenomena whose nature is ultimate reality,
By which cause and effect are undeniable,
By the Compassion of my Guru, Mind-seal Deity and Rare Sublime Ones,
May these pure extensive prayers be completed.


Through the merits from reciting this prayer,
May it cause all the people’s hearts to be filled with loving-kindness, bodhicitta and the thought to only benefit and not harm.
May the sun of peace and happiness arise and may any wars that are happening stop immediately.
May there be harmony, peace and may there never be violence again.

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