squeeeee! :)

the title of this post is for my friend in the uk who is working on his southern euphemisms. when he heard the good news today, he said (and i quote), “you’re going to be happier than a pig in shit!” hah!

i’ll make a southern boy of him yet, i will. anyway… it’s official, i have found my own place. and it’s BEAUTIFUL! hardwood floor, LOTS of space, a peaceful lot five miles out of town, and just… green and trees and i can hardly wait to get there!!

washer and dryer connections. (giggle) oh, the little things.

naturally, i’ll be back to trying to pull together housewares and shopping the thrift stores for furniture and such, but i’m looking forward to it. you wouldn’t believe some of the finds and i always did have a quirky sense of personal decor. it works!

the best part, of course, is that with this, my job is secure. they love my work and i love working for them… but it’s been a bit of pressure lately to get back there. now it’s solved.

high speed ordered and VoIP phone this time. the voice quality of cell just isn’t where it should be and while the convenience of mobile is there, when i’m home, i want to be able to HEAR AND UNDERSTAND folks. the cellular service in the basin leaves much to be desired.

so… i’ve pulled the budget together and it really looks quite good. the best part is… even if something blows up with the job (knock on wood and let’s hope not!), this place is cheap enough to afford even on minimum wage.

i love it when there are options and contingencies in life. damn rare, really.

i meet the landlord on the first to hand over rent, sign the lease, and receive the keys. will be driving up on the 30th most likely and spend the night with my friend.

oh, hah, that’s the other thing… my friend actually went over, toured the place, and took pictures and sent them to me to help coordinate this. what a blessing. i got to see the place through the eye of a professional photographer.

i’m already thinking of a picnic table on that gorgeous lawn. maybe even a hammock. oh my. looks like things are going to work out very nicely indeed and i’m so happy at the moment i could just about pop for it.

in other news, i took myself to the local thrift store today to look for winter wear. i can remember when i used to be a thrift store expert. and today, i remembered why i always preferred it. you could not fathom the things people in this country toss out on a whim. it’s just amazing.

for the cost of one suit anywhere retail, i got:

3 cardigans

4 pull over sweaters

2 business jackets

2 two-piece suits

5 casual sweaters

and a sweater for mom (merino wool, amazing. her eyes bugged out!) along with a silk sweater for my “cousin” (impulse buys those, but it felt good!).

and i’ll have you know all but three of these items still had the STORE tags on them. can you even conceive… someone bought these… never wore them… then donated them. i’m boggled.

anyway… a damn fine day! electricity is scheduled on, internet and phone is ready, and i can hardly wait to get there!!! 🙂

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