Renewal (IC introduction, a letter)

certain parts of this piece blanked to keep the continuing harassment of those with nothing better to do at bay.

A courier delivers to you a folded parchment, sealed by a signet that depicts two crescent moons, set back to back, with what appears to be a diamond joining them at their middles. Upon the outer fold, under the signet, in a flowing, indigo script, the words, “To the House of the ————–, deliver to the hand of Governess ————– or, in her stead, Councilman ————–”

When you decide to open the letter, within you find the following…

Twilight’s greetings and grace of Elune upon you, may the noble house of the ————– meet this day with joy and much contentment. This letter, scribed within the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus, on behalf of the lady Anu’Ash Kal’Ishnu, also known as ———— , given that they may meet with your kind regard, the following words:

It is often said the path through life is best savored when walked among the company of the like-minded, challenged by the different-minded, and spiced by the adventures shared between them.

For many seasons, the path before me has run closely with good fortune and kindnesses, both given and received and in it, any being with a heart would know the delight that I have found. But seasons change, as do those who endure through them, and like all things within the world or without it, there are equal aspects that present to create balance in life.

Where one finds contentment, there will ever be a moment in which discontent must be met. Where one finds delight, there will in some moment come sorrow. Where one meets joy, there will in some moment be found despair, and when one has cherished companionship, there will eventually come a moment in which loneliness must rise.

It is wisdom to greet each for what it is, and, being neither attached to nor averted from them, count them all with equanimity and honor in them that which lends to their other, in the fullness of time. It is in this frame of mind that I stand before you. My path in life having delivered both joy and sorrow, each in its season, and my time within this world being well rounded in such ways, it is not yet at its end. Seeing this is so, I stand in what would be called Winter, seeking Spring.

Mine is not an amazing tale. I am no hero, no chosen one, no special mark or favor have I known. There are no intrigues, no curses, no blessings or odd circumstances to set me apart. I have neither strange upbringing nor mysterious past to accord me, my life being a rather uneventful study within the Temple of the Moon and later, set to service of the whims and edicts of my homeland and the Sisters of the Moon as ambassador to the indigenous peoples of Azeroth and, more recently, in service of the various members of the Alliance that strive to push back the invasion of The Legion.

My parents have long since turned to the infinite unknown. My mother, a servant of her people as am I, was slain in the overthrow of the Temple of the Ancients. My father, like many of his path, went to slumber with Malfurion and in the chaos of Nordrassil, was also lost. If there be brothers or sisters to me, I know them not and, for some time, have sought a lasting companionship and home.

I have walked in both shadow and light, finding each capable of lending learning and insight to the world, it’s people, and the odd ways in which so often we create our own suffering rather than assuage it. I have walked both with others and alone, meeting either as necessity of finding the other and savoring each as I may. A bow here to that which is impermanent, even those who are cherished eventually fade and pass, as all things do. Thus, in this moment, again, I am alone.

My needs are few. The shadows of the deeps are known to me, though there are many battles I will likely never enjoin. The regard of the sanctuary, Shattrath City, is my most common pursuit these days; to gain the graces of the Cenarion Expedition, the refugees of the Lower City, the humble Aldor, and the valiant Sha’Tar, all the better to seek the service of the Naaru, by whose grace I remain certain the breach between the races of Azeroth will eventually be healed.

I write to you as it is made known to me that yours is a house of honor and respite, where a weary traveler may find peace, solidarity, and as needed, solitude. It is a rare thing to hear of these things meeting in one house, and thus, it is with a hopeful heart that I write to you.

I am no seeker of glories, nor can I say I offer much more than the sum total of my years of experience to any end (and perhaps even this, no help to any but myself). Yet I have traveled many roads, witnessed, met with and dispatched both mysteries and demons (those harrying others as well as my own), and it is seemly that, perhaps, what humble skill I hold might find good use with you.

For my part, in return and regard of any such consideration with which I am graced, it would be both honor and pleasure to provide what service and gifts I possess, be it in travels and challenges of the day or by lending voice and what pitiful learnings I retain from my own travels to the benefit of you and yours. To such ends, my skill with the needle as well as the art of enchantment I would lend, and also my years of diplomatic effort and the related authorial talents. I am regarded well by the lorekeepers and archivists of my people, and would gladly offer my quill as well as my memories as may serve.

To this end, I set my seal and send my regards, and this small synopsis of myself and my interests. Should it meet with your kind regard or find your consideration, I would enjoy to learn more of your house, its people, and your ways with the intention of finding favor enough with you and yours to be made welcome to your house and in the doing, hope to find for myself a home that will withstand the seasons.

May no word herein land but that it land softly, may all that is needed be found, may the path upon which you and yours walk run long, and be as graced by sunlight and smiles as knowing of your existence has in this moment graced me.

Always and in all ways, Elune guard, guide, and keep thee, and in all things, know that I remain,

Your humble servant,

Anu’Ash Kal’Ishnu

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