a very bizarre dream

woah. seriously.

it is not often that i have bizarre or extremely ‘out there’ types of dreams. when i do, it is almost always because there is something of me that seems to need to check in with that life and know it or experience it in more than a distant way.

this night past i spent living in a world where all aspects of existence were trined. i’m laughing of course. triads. duh. all the same, i do not think i have ever experienced it as completely as this. the entire sense of things was organic, natural, and unaffected by even the slightest sense of ‘oddness’.

it wasn’t until i “woke up” that i “realized” how bizarre it was/is. hah.

i was the home-maker of the triple. everyone was home for the evening. dinner was enjoyed, evening activities as well, then, all curled up and slept. the entire experience seemed a full day long, and i recall being pleasantly drowsy and without a single thought other than the moment. being there, all curled up with my mates and the cat and drifting off to sleep… which was waking up here.

i do know what and why. i do understand the parallels. or at least, i think i do. there was nothing of that slice of life that in any way resembled the one i know here except that the male of the triple had the usual physical characteristics (farmer/t.m.w.d.n.e.) and i, the usual sense of ‘who’ he was as such.

interestingly, there was no such identity with the other of the triple. i had the sense of a gender, but it was unclear… no… actually… it was mutable. ambisexual, to use heinlein’s term. it wasn’t a focus in the dream nor is it here. just trying to make sense of it in the context of this life.

hah. naturally, that means i end here. 🙂

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