cabin fever or something

it’s going to rain. i’m achy for it. the neck is NOT happy. work was a bore today. weird week is up and i’m like a frakking over-ripe fruit. no, you really don’t want to know what that means. grouch factor is high and on the heels of what seems to be yet another abandonment, i’ve gone through and ripped out all related archives. you know, it actually felt pretty damn good to just do it and not wait (and hurt) for months before giving up.

the pit cackles madly, ‘fuck ’em’. at the moment, i’m in agreement. very much so.

i’d like to get out of the house for a bit, but i think i’m going to have to settle for taking a nap. bleh. probably take it out on some source later and put up a few more pieces of work.

in other, unrelated news, i’m suddenly noticing politics. yes, be afraid, for it is both unusual and decidedly frightening. i’ll say nothing more for fear of an honest to goodness rant the likes of which this blog has not yet seen. oy.

i’m going to go make nice with my pillow for a bit.  perhaps i’ll wake in a more social mood.

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