vive la boheme

i’m collecting new labels. which is funny considering how i eschew them. heh. i watched moulin rouge again last night. i used to think i was born in the wrong time, but i realize now that is untrue. anyway…. this post is about who i see myself as.

i feel the need to say these are in no particular order, even as i realize that by nature and psychology, the order in which they will be set here likely is relevant in some manner. hrmm. no. not going to get distracted. heh.

i’m not even going to explain them. just throw them here. so there.

– woman

– mother

– writer

– friend

– bohemian

– beat girl

– dharma bum

– sister

– artist

– nature lover

– photographer

– orator

– poet

– philosopher

– masseuse

– gamer

– geek

– analyst

– memeticist

– hedonist

– magician

– pool sharp

– businessman

– marketer

– networker

i feel like there are more, but that’s pretty comprehensive. i’m content.

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