creature comforts (rambling update)

i think i’ve said before that i’m very likely the lowest of the low maintenance females in the universe. let this be the proof…

woke up at 6am and repartitioned the drive, reinstalled bootcamp, and re-downloaded the two games for which i’m enduring all this work. got them installed, up and running, all systems go. cancelled (likely for the last time) the warcraft account since my friend isn’t playing it any more than i did.

for some reason, skype is seriously causing bluescreens over in windows world. can’t figure it out. the first bootcamp install had skype running beautifully, but i cannot install it or run it now without immediate BSoD. meh. no idea. but i suppose i’ll see if i can get trillian up and running over there on another day.

i have to admit, i have been seriously spoiled by blizzard. these two games, while i am enjoying them, have a lot of ground to cover to get even close to the smoothness and cohesion offered by blizzard’s world of warcraft.

as a game maven of some many years and a usability hound, too, i have a lot of appreciation for the amount of design and thought that went into warcraft. everything from particles matching spell icons matching type of spell matching class matching the underlying cultural myths. it’s really quite intricate when you think about it and they did a stellar job of it.

alas, the freedom to name change, transfer, lack of death penalty, and general “McDonald’s-ness” of it all has brought every b-net baby and drama queen this side of hell to the game, and thus, finally, insured my departure.

the forums are a train wreck, in-game behavior isn’t much better, and between ‘raiders’ whining about everyone else getting nice things the closer they got to expansion time and pve’ers whining over world pvp, and my own increasingly low threshold for any of it… meh, it was time. and then some.

the two games i’m playing now are both rather underpopulated which i like. those who are there are really interested in the game world and the mechanics of both worlds adhere more to the old school model i enjoyed all this time.

i’m actually excited to have the chance to game with my friend over in the uk. coordination is going to be hairy what with the triple whammy of no skype in windows world, tome zone differences, and juggling the second game (which i promised two friends here in the states i’d put some time into)… but given the choice (and having played the trial of the UK friend’s game for a day now), i think i’d actually prefer the UK game.

there is a reason i’m not mentioning what they are… heh…. sorry (well ok, not really).

in other news, i found a buyer for the shell of my old G5. that blew me away. hehe. a collector who repairs the boards and keeps old MACs running leapt on the craig’s list posting and came by to pick it up today. that makes me happy because it’s going to insure my taxes get paid… which is a huge relief as it had been bothering me.

i realize i’m rambling, but this is kind of an update post for those who read here to keep in touch. let’s see… i have an appointment on wednesday that i’m hopeful will result in a fix to my recent stomach issues. it’s a bit of a drive, but eh… will do me good to get out of the house.

at the rate i’m going, may and june have every indication of being steps up from the baseline. i’m happy to see it coming. i’ve been a bit on the ‘in a funk’ side since arriving in december. the adventure of february that resulted in pretty much a whole lot of nothing really took the wind out of my sails for a bit, too.

but i think i’ve finally weathered the mental feedback that resulted from it and am back on an even keel in relation to it all. for all i have my moments when i just feel like there’s no one there, i’ve been incredibly fortunate over the course of this last year to have someone around who effectively negates that feeling. i’m mildly surprised what a difference it is making (albeit slowly) here. smile for it.

once i get past taxes and paying off the loan for this machine, my next goal (gritting teeth slightly) is to get a damn bed in here. and a toaster. hah. creature comforts, indeed.

suffice to say the darkest of the clouds are past. maybe it’s just a seasonal thing, or a combination of the ol’ 40+ changes and the season. hard to say. i reckon as long as i’m able to pull up before reaching the ground, i’m doing just fine.

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