addendum and unrelated update

addendum, 04-11-08: text is a horrible medium for meeting people unless you happen to be very much alike to begin with… seeing as i am already admitting to my alien nature (heh) you can imagine the outcomes are often quite confusing for me. suffice to say contact continues and i remain a kitten with a string. we’ll how or if it unfolds…

in other news…

i am, it seems, damn near cursed by odd timing and strange hiccups of circumstance. you can just about lay money on the regularity with which these things will somehow put a wrinkle in an otherwise smooth road.

this time, it has to do with the process of switching jobs.

as you may recall, i have turned in my notice to my current employer upon landing a much better paying position (with benefits). my notice was the traditional two weeks, ending on the 25th and with me beginning the new job on the 28th.

my current employer decided it was unnecessary for me to work out my notice. i suspect it was to avoid having to pay me for another two weeks. so i contacted the recruiter and gave them the update that i could begin on the 14th.

this was to be a very good thing, as obviously it is at a higher rate and with the weekly payroll for the contract portion of this contract-to-hire arrangment, it meant life would improve fairly quickly on the financial side of things.

today, during my lunch, i had to travel to the recruiter and complete payroll paperwork and such. upon arrival, my account manager took me aside and regretted to inform me that the new employer wishes to keep the original start date of the 28th.

so. it seems i am to have an unpaid two-week vacation.

one that happens to include the last week of the month.

this means, among other things, that i will be short of funds for rent. quite short, actually, as in ‘broke’.

on the other hand, paydays are weekly upon friday and via direct deposit, so come friday, the 2nd, all will be well.

it’s just getting to that friday that is going to be difficult, as this also means that the first week of work i am basically without the means by which to fill the gas tank and meals will strictly be before leaving the house for the day and then again upon returning to the house at the end of the day.

it is hardly disaster, but it is terribly inconvenient. as odd as it may sound, i’m chuckling for it. there has never been a time in my life that i can recall any manner of change that has actually gone smoothly. there is always some manner of bump or wrinkle to make things uncomfortable.

i am sincerely hopeful that once this particular mini-crisis passes, it will be a long time indeed until another presents itself.

in the meantime, i will spend this two weeks at home. i choose to look at it as a great opportunity to finish fleshing out the world, history, and related details and fictional structure for the new book in process.

and perhaps some a bit of a gaming binge. maybe.

in still other news, i received a ping today from one of the last fellows met during the generally disastrous adventure in the personal ads section in february. he seems a sane fellow, but has such a wealth of resentment, anger, and depression on his plate that every alarm here has been tripped.

let’s face it, someone who comes at you immediately talking of marriage and how ‘getting a wife’ solve all their problems simply is not a reasonable or even realistic prospect.

as gently as i could manage, i told him i would be happy to get to know him better when/if he could contact me from a place of general peace with himself and his life circumstances, but until then, it seemed much wiser and healthier to keep a bit of distance in place.

as i put it to him:

I have worked very hard to find contentment and peace in life and I am looking for someone to share that with… inviting anger and dissatisfaction into my world simply is not an option.

so… this particular search goes on.

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