Senate Bill 215: Internet Freedom Preservation Act – Your voice is needed!!

Note: updated to reflect the new senate bill. The current item is S. 215, not 2917.

Folks, if you don’t act decisively, a very important part of our ability to communication freely is going to go the way of the dodo.

A very important bill has made it to the Senate, but is currently buried in committee. This is the manner in which our representatives make motions of doing the right thing…. but whether or not they follow through largely depends on how many of us make it CLEAR that we wish to see them do so.

Senate Bill 215 is a bill that would put the issue over Net Neutrality to rest once and for all, and make it illegal for providers to bottleneck or block content. At present, this activity is being used for everything from “competitive issues” (e.g., one ISP blocking access to another’s content) to an excuse to block valid transmissions of content in the name of ‘protecting against piracy’.

Your senator needs to hear from you NOW. If this bill gets lost in Committee, we may well see the end of truly neutral internet access in this country.

An END to it. Take a moment and consider what that really means:

– Limited access or reduced bandwidth to sites your provider considers ‘competition’,

– Limited access or reduced bandwidth to sites your provider considers ‘inappropriate’,

– Limited access or reduced bandwidth to sites that espouse opinions or perspectives with which your provider disagrees,

– No recourse or redress for the matter.

I urge you to please, please, please take a moment and visit the following site, locate your senator’s information and send them a note telling them that Net Neutrality matters to you, and you want them to see this bill OUT of committee and to a positive, passing vote:

U.S. Senate Home Page – Find and Write Your Senator

Below, you will find the note I sent to my Senator. Please feel free to use it if you wish, or create your own… but be polite, be concise, and be clear that you want to see this bill PASSED.

I strongly urge you to get S. 215: Internet Freedom Preservation Act out of committee and into vote.

The penchant for allowing corporations and commerce to dictate our freedom to communication and liberty from actions that impinge and impede our communication must end.

Competition of markets is surely a thing to be supported, but the ongoing use of corporate lobby and fear-mongering tactics relating to piracy are no reason to allow activity that severely impacts the freedom of those who access and utilize the internet for information and communication.

Please do not be fooled into thinking that allowing these corporations to bottleneck bandwidth and access is going to put an end to, or even limit internet piracy. As always, only continuing vigilance and heightened education and awareness is the cure for this particular ill.

I urge you to do what you can to see S. 215 out of committee and to a positive, passing vote. Net Neutrality is a cornerstone of our continuing competitiveness on a global scale. Don’t let the scare tactics and pressure of the corporations distract from this reality.

I cannot say it strongly enough — this matters and it has the potential to seriously impede or impact The Internet as you know it. If enough people ACT, we really can make our voices heard. It is the only chance we have to do what we can toward ensuring our access and communications are not held hostage to corporate interests.

Please…. take a moment to do this!

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