she calls you

(recording available: she-calls-you )

read on for the words…

she calls you from the fray
whispering softly offering peace
sitting by the precarious edge
she is calm in the midst of wars
she calls you from the killing fields
quietly and with tenderness
can you hear her
above the sound
of the blood ringing in your ears?

she calls you from sleeping
lilting melody offering joy
resting upon your window sill
she is appropriate in
inappropriate places
she calls you from slumber
to wakeful life and living
urgently and with fervor
can you hear her
in the midst of the dreams you weave?

she calls you from distraction
murmuring rivers that lead
to the great, wide ocean
floating upon the foam
she is balanced
soft hands reaching
stronger than earth
will you receive her
or let the current sweep you by?

she calls you with silence
watchful eyes at distance
offers, never insists
she is open in a closed world
soundless entreating
will you hear the emptiness
in which all things dwell?
or be forever certain
only sound can indicate presence?

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