Track title: Keepsake

Genre: Any


We human beings make up one large tribe
Hard sometimes to see, differences divide
Our teachers advocate the circumscribe
But we prefer to indulge in the jibe

Competitive survival, that’s our curse
Ruining the planet, and making things worse

Caught between progress and our primal might
Fears of change regress, can’t embrace our light
Chase innovation, each day and all night
Still struggle to balance wrong and right

Now the harvest comes, pollutants long sown
The super-site drum numbers only grown
Human hubris loves to think the world ours
Killing biosphere this ownership sours

Rather collapse than disaster negate
“Fix it tomorrow” – the future’s checkmate

We can’t be moochers, for us to get through
We must be troopers, attrition accrue
To have a future, some things we must do
Apply the suture, healing this earth’s wound

Understand your part, the role you must play
Know how you should start moving the right way

Lower consumption, reduce what you take
Make no assumption, change you can still make
Have no resumption, Earth is our keepsake
We are the patrons, this cause we uptake

ASCAP registration #: 925526105

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