zero is not a number but one is.
infinity lives between -1, 0, and 1.
movement is the reaction regenerative.
universal reality is a mesh of fractal fabric.
we are a part, never apart.
act. breathe. dance. live. move.
we walk a path into the stars;
as for long and long told by ancients;
our only work is to assure the future.
snarled in recursion, we must again adapt.
it is already happening, the abrasion,
it is already happening, the abjuration,
this butterfly tsunami on the hill;
placid, vacuous smiles, ‘oh, so pretty’.
get thee to the library, the local bookstore.
relearn the art of dirt and of makings.
get to ground. eat as close to it as possible.
this new dark age is a oligarch’s dream;
captive labor in company towns,
company chit and company only stores…
labor mobility is a human’s ace…
“Keep it secret, keep it safe.” – Gandalf, the Grey*
* Gandalf did not utter this line in the book, and yet it remains a stellar piece of advice when it comes to keeping knowledge of how to do things available.