things i didn’t know

heh. i’m sitting at the fast lube getting my state inspection for the truck. unbeknownst to me, they have free internet access. three stations. so… here i am, writing from their counter, overlooking the bay as they are just pulling in my truck.

the morning has been good to me. thusfar, the afternoon is as well. i’m reading the follow-up to ‘godel escher bach’ called ‘i am a strange loop’. i’m digging it. there are a lot of concepts i am familiar with and a good many references to clinical works with which i am not (yet).

the spasm of grief seems to have been washed away by a rather intense sense of incense… incensement? being incensed. i’d ramble on it, but it seems a tad pointless. need to be done with what is let done and since it seems the notion of change is completely impossible, there is no conclusion but that it is done.

amen. so be it, etc.

so. let’s see… my roomie is having a movie night to celebrate his purchase of a 52″ monitor/tv. yes, he’s using it as a monitor. i had a thought to be envious until i remembered that my retinas are now permanently on the edge of detaching. the very last thing i need is the eye strain involved with computing and gaming on something that big, that close.

but anyway… he’s invited over five or six of his friends to enjoy ‘princess bride’, ‘ella enchanted’, and i forget the third flick. he invited me to join them. i’m not sure yet if i will. on the one hand, it would be nice to hang out with new people. on the other, i know the ‘his live in’ thing is floating about and i don’t want to, in any manner, lend support to it.

meh. we’ll see, i suppose.

not much more to report really. laundry today and tomorrow, domestic duty, perhaps a jaunt to the theater. or not. i may read, nap, and game. play with the cats. i’m finally settled enough overall to think about the notion of checking into ‘local activities’.

i find the library offers classes in art, music, drama, and cooking. i’m sure there are others things to enjoy as well. the downtoan are has a few studios offering things ranging from watercolor to pottery. i’m interested but not pushing myself. i find when things happen naturally they are best.

hrm. indeed, it seems the ongoing lesson of late is that good things happen naturally, pain is a sign something is wrong, and if you can’t have things occur naturally, it’s best to let them go.

i called this “things i didn’t know” but i suppose it would more accurately (at least in the instance of these last paragraphs) be “things i don’t like remembering”.

actually, it isn’t so much the remembering i don’t like, it’s the way i only remember after i’ve hurt myself.

at any rate, a calm and enjoyable day. i hope yours is as well.

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