japanese garden, seattle

as beautiful as i thought it would be, and as peaceful. i did not get to spend as much time there as i would have liked, but it will be on my list of frequently visited places, to be sure.

the camera, sadly, does not do it justice and i could not get the macro shots i had hoped for… all the same, the images live in my mind and i smile and will smile for some time for them.

in other news, a callback and an upcoming phone interview with a bothell company that bodes well for me. it is decided that if i do not have something solid by two weeks friday from now, i will go get me retail or service work until something does arrive.

i’ve been here two weeks almost and it feels like a brand new life. hard to describe. so very glad to be here at last. just delightful.

my daughter has finally send along a sampling of her shots from the galapogos. my goodness, but she has a good eye for imagery.

not much more to report and it was on the hottish side today so i’m too sticky and muggy feeling to be comfortable doing a video… but soon enough. in the meantime, hugs and smiles to you and all manner of well wishes. miss ya.

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