after midnight

made the mistake of having a nap today. this is the result. heh. not quite insomnia, as i am sleepy, but duty to be met, this blog.

not a lot to report. i’m feeling a bit on the reflective side lately. not so much morose, which is a nice change. i’m looking forward to pre-hire interviews this week and having choices for a change (which is quite nice, thank you very much!)

i’m also looking forward to getting things settled for this ‘last time’ in my life. i cannot tell you how nice it feels to know i’m staying here. no more moving intra-state. no more settling for less. bout damn time, really. i feel quite jazzed about it.

i had a dream the other night that i had a studio apartment on lake washington. the place was fairly empty (just moved in?) but for the big windows overlooking the lake and the counter all along them, upon which was the iMAC and related stuff and a few knick knacks.

the cats were sleeping in a patch of sunlight (setting, west coast, you know) and i had just finished meditating in front of those glorious windows and the feeling of the moment was very much total peace and a sense of finally being where i belong.

i didn’t even care that i didn’t have a bed (again). nor that there were not yet furnishings. i knew they would come in time. i had a good job, good benefits, a comfortable and affordable spot to live in the middle of an amazing place i’ve been trying to get to for a very long time… and i was ready to be happy. really happy.

there was more, but i don’t remember all of it. most of it dealt with local writer’s groups, open mics, coffee shops and art galleries. meeting new people. creative people. people like me.

i cannot wait to get started. :)

to bed for now. tomorrow is to be a day of good news and employment.

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