of the coast

a call yesterday afternoon about 2ish from a recruiter with a contract to perm opening in my neighborhood. good money, easy duty, and close to home. i say i’m interested. we talk a bit about it. then she finally gets to telling me who it is.

i ’bout fell out of my truck.

a gaming company.

a LARGE gaming company.

i feel like i’m dreaming, because no sooner did she submit me than i had an interview. today, in fact. at 3pm, in fact.

and you know what? i’m going to get this job.

not only do they have 25+ contractors out there already, the account manager knows the hiring manager.

heh. yeah, it’s like that. i’d just about have to blow something up not to get this job.

and it’s going to be a permanent position. well, as permanent as anything every gets in this life.

seattle. and a gaming job.

maybe i’ve finally transmuted the bad kamma.

what an excellent feeling. :)

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