heh. a little light reading whilst i wait for my start date of the 22nd, the following books were ordered from amazon tonight:
“Agile Adoption Patterns: A Roadmap to Organizational Success”
Amr Elssamadisy; Paperback
“Agile Project Management with Scrum (Microsoft Professional)”
Ken Schwaber; Paperback
“UML for the IT Business Analyst: A Practical Guide to Object-Oriented Requirements Gathering”
Howard Podeswa; Paperback
mind you, it is not that i am unfamiliar with Agile and UML/RUP, but it’s never a bad idea to get the terminology and rails of the guidelines fresh in your head.
my personal opinion on ‘methodologies’ is that most people tend to treat them as cult/religions and become so fanatical about every little nook and cranny “adhereing” that they lose sight of the point (i.e., actually succeeding with the project).
on the other hand, the average individual generally doesn’t spend a lot of time considering ‘the big picture’ and methodologies are a great way to help decidedly non-technical people understand the innards of their process, business, technology, etc (so long as you don’t throw the hieroglyphics of UML at them without explanation).
anyway… these next two weeks won’t be all relaxation and meditation. i’ll be studying in preparation for landing with a soft ‘whoof’ and taking off running like the uber-elite analyst that i am!
in an unrelated aside, i found a $200 ikea desk chair at the thrift store today for $15. happy camper. i love thrift stores. :)