piddly ramble thingie

it is a lovely day here in seattle. i’m sitting here waiting for my books to arrive. there’s a wee bit of study to do prior to starting the new job, and i intend to draft some preliminary businees requirement layouts for use when i land.

in the meantime, my roomie is in the warhammer open beta and i’m getting to dabble with it when he’s not doing so. it’s an interesting game…. the semi-cartoonish look of WoW, but slightly more photorealistic. the textures and animations are not unlike the ones you’ve seen if you played Mythic’s ‘Dark Age of Camelot’.

the world is interesting, as are the creatures. they’ve done a good job of cloaking ‘the grind’ (at least at the lower levels). the quests and NPCs are enjoyable, but the easter eggs and such i hoped to see from EA/Mythic don’t seem to be present.

i know the RvR aspect of this game, and the fact that it’s not a choice will keep most of my friends from playing. i’m undecided on the matter myself. the fact that they don’t have a MAC client is only mildly annoying, as i can ‘bootcamp’ it with no real issue other than having to boot into or out of XP *shudder*.

as usual, when my interest is piqued by a new game, the existing one (in this case, WoW) is abandoned a bit. i find myself disinterested in logging on, although in truth it is more for enjoying day to day life than one game for another.

i’m already thinking ahead to getting old obligations fulfilled and rebuilding. i’ve decided i will likely need to get my own place. there’s really not enough room here for two adults and the room i’m in will not fit a bed and what’s already in here (or at least, not comfortably). the nice part is, there are plenty of places in this area, the rates seem reasonable, and there are even some on the lake… so the notion of that studio as dreamt is not (at this point) totally out of the question.

i am impatient to start the new job. heh. wish it was sooner than the 22nd. the idea of having so much of the requirements for a strong foundation within the first month of being here is, frankly, making me giddy. it’s been a while since things just fell into place like this and i find i am really quite thankful and more than a little happy that it works out this way.

when i get settled, i intend to explore local groups via and craig’s list. i don’t want to be a homebody anymore. i’ve also reached out to the friend from about a year ago who almost helped me get here. the last i heard, he was in a bit of a rough patch and i’m hopeful perhaps we can reconnect and enjoy each other’s company a bit.

not much more to say… the daughter speaks of coming out for thanksgiving, but has not yet sent me the booked itenerary, so we’ll see.

all in all, i’m peaceful and the dips of emotion and melancholy that are normal here have abated to large degree. i think perhaps the combination of actually succeeding in this and maintaining practice are to credit.

hope you are well and do drop a line or call as time permits, eh? miss you. love you. (hug)

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