short entry

still more twists and intrigue in the ongoing effort to roll me permanent. a third position on the table and me, given choice as to which i want. my decision rendered, they proceed to the paperwork that makes it official. now i wait.

in other news… a small dip into melancholy over the fact of being proven ever-so-right in relation to a certain someone’s disappearance. i believe i did mention i have a hard time accepting such things. let this be the proof. ~sigh~

in still other news, the daughter comes out to visit on the 26th for the holiday. i’ll be cooking. looking forward to it, actually.

not much more to tell. life is good. i’m learning how not to focus on the things that bother me, which is much easier when there’s so much to savor. fortunately.

hope you’re well. hugs and love to you, always.

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