exception, the explication (K speaking to D)

I completely understand and appreciate your candor. I would correct you but slightly in relation to the following:

> and as i mull this i come back to your statements of looking past
> differences,as if they were not there.and this gnaws at me as well.my
> difference will always be there.that i should be singled out for ill
> treatment or prejudice for this is wrong,but to deny it’s existence is also
> wrong.

I have not denied the existence of anything. I simply and very firmly
believe that being ‘difference blind’ is just as important as being
‘color blind’ or ‘religion blind’ or any other form of ‘blind’ that
connotes tolerance and acceptance.

You deride and disdain those who reject you for those differences, and
here, you do the same to one who accepts them without hesitation or
qualm, to the point of seeing no benefit to pointing to them AS

We are the same, human, and intrinsically due natural rights of
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You can’t achieve unity if you insist on underscoring differences.
This, my belief, and combined with the tenets of my chosen tradition,
a mandate to eschew any and all interactions that further separation
by ‘difference’ because I truly believe ALL appearance of difference
is illusory.

I see no benefit in being political because, as we have many times
agreed, the macro is not where the change that brings benefit
manifests. It never has been. It never will be.

> i am strong because of my difference and a nation is made strong in
> it’s diversity. Obama’s inauguration is not just the 44th president.it the
> 1st black president in a house built by slaves, in a nation torn apart by
> civil war over the issue of slavery.it does matter.

I appreciate and respect that this is your belief. I in no way have or
ever will say you should not believe this or act in accord with that
belief. My belief does not mandate your acceptance, even as you make
it clear that yours does mandate mine… which, to me, is unfortunate
and more than a little ironic. (crooked smile)

> you describe yourself as politically agnostic.
> I am not.I am a man of faith both spiritually and politically.I always have
> been and always will be.I crossed the rubicon some time ago.
> and you-i fear-are still on the other bank unwilling to wade across to join
> me.

See above. There is no division but that which we create. The strong
example, frankly, is the division and distinction and discrimination
you choose in this moment. I would not have it so, but then, your
choices are not mine to make. This too, I respect and I will honor
your choice in this.

> I do remain interested in you, and have no desire to cease or correspondence
> of friendship.
> but as for romance and the possibility of forging something lasting in that
> arena,i simply can’t conceive of doing that with someone avowedly
> apolitical.

I understand.

> and in order for both of us to maintain our integrity we probably should
> examine how to frame this relationship in a way that asks neither of us to
> compromise ourselves unduly.

In the end, you communicate clearly that you have and will continue to
perceive anything other than that I accommodate you in this to be
unacceptable. I understand and respect your perception, your right to
hold it, and your right to set your mandates as you see fit to
maintain the life you believe best benefits you and through you, the

So mote it be.

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