Caps and curls

Life is an ocean, I think. Swells and waves, caps and curls. I’m a pretty good swimmer, for all that I rarely float and all too often am kicking about and spluttering salt water. I’m sitting here tonight thinking about the kinds of things I’d like to put on this blog, and realizing that most times, it’s just my red bound book; Chapel Perilous, the place where things that fret me come to wilt, wither, and rest.

It occurs to me from time to time that anyone arriving here without personal knowledge of me will come away with a dramatically different view than someone who sees or interacts with me. I spent about half a second considering that when I undertook the consolidation effort and ultimately decided to shrug at it. You know the old saying? “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter, don’t mind.” That pretty much sums it up. The way I have it figured, folks are going to think what they like.

Of course this is just me giving it a brief second thought. Second-guessing, I suppose. Now that I’m deliberately flying without the veil and being all defiant about it. You know the feeling, right? Somewhere between caring what people will think and reminding yourself that you shouldn’t have to? Ah, idealism. Heh.

Anyway, if the ocean is a metaphor for life then this place is a tidal dumping ground. If you take anything you read here as more than the moment’s flotsam, you’re going to wind up very confused about me.

I mention it because I get the feeling I’m going to be setting a good deal of flotsam here in the next little while (as well as parsing through and putting up more of the old archive). Consider it “fair warning” to say all the above and then, in serious tone add, “There’s a big difference between thinking you know me and using something placed here as if it’s more than it is.”

If you’re someone I see or interact with and you are curious, ask. If you’re “a random visitor”, you can still ask – you’ll just need to hit the contact page to do so.

Anyway… archival additions coming soon. That’s all for now. Hope life is treating you well.

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