The latest evening’s thought(s)

Today is a good day. I shut down a script before it could get by me. 🙂 Instead of chasing it for the next day, into the weekend, and maybe even into next week, it’s nicely boxed up and back on the shelf. Add to this, my very good friend is flying in on the 27th and will be here through the 31st. I’m just tickled to pieces that they’re coming to visit. They’ve been traveling for work the last years and I didn’t realize just how much I missed them (even with email and phone calls) until they casually mentioned coming to visit. Heh.

I have no idea what we’ll be doing, but whatever it is will be great. They’re talking about moving out here (though I suspect that is rather low on realistic probability, it is kind of them to entertain the thought). I just can’t wait until they get here! Hah! It’s their first time to Seattle and I’m really looking forward to seeing places with them (a good many I’ve not seen myself!) and enjoying being able to share closeness and exploration. Wow. I didn’t realize how much I miss my friends back “east coast way”. Isn’t it funny how you let yourself fall into ignoring something and then, are surprised by it?

I’m about to hit the hay. I’ve got laundry and a spot of other domestic chores to see to and I want to get everything square so I don’t have to fuss with it when they arrive. Heh. The last they actually saw me, I was halfway through scrabbling up from the devastation of the dot com bust. This is going to be a happy change for them to witness. That thought really makes me smile. Having people in your life who actually care, think of and are concerned for you, and who take delight in seeing you do well… stars above, I have missed that feeling. (Not that it has really gone anywhere with this friend, it’s just that contact has been sporadic as they’ve been traveling and working in Greece the last few years.)

The nicest part of this is that I’m now thinking of other friends in Dallas/Irving who have invited me to visit… and I think I’m going to do so. Perhaps spring break. Perhaps summer. Regardless, soon.

I don’t really know how I “forgot” that I can still “just do” things. But I’m reminded in this moment and damn it, it feels good!

That’s all for now. Hope you’re well and that your holiday is blessed, bright, and beautiful.

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