
Whew. As in ‘over the crest’ and stars, I am glad of it.

Today was an interesting day. I’m in the process of house hunting and the house I thought I was going to fall in love with turned out to be a badly flooded, poorly renovated, and utterly unacceptable thing. I chuckle to myself for the parallels to certain events of days past and smile to feel the band around my chest easing nicely.

Tomorrow, another tour of homes and consideration of the question, “Is it possible to find what I want in the given price range?” If I do not within the next two weeks, it is very likely I shall set this aside until next year. As much as I would hate to lose out on the credit and as much as I know rates are about to skyrocket, I’m just not going to break my back over this and that’s that.

In other news, there’s really not much in the way of other news. I continue to have interesting and fulfilling conversations with friends at distance, contemplate a potential visit of a friend in the near future, consider what to do about making more progress with music and the digital art, and generally mosey on with life without any real sense of stress or issue.

Creative urges are running low of late, mostly due to course work and the push to ramp up in the new studio at work. Soon, though, soon…. I feel La Brea bubbling. A happy thing. The only lingering sore spot is in relation to T. I have no idea where she is or how she is, and her birthday is tomorrow. I am certain she must think I have no care of her; She never could understand the concept of succor without sacrifice. I sigh. Perhaps in time.

Otherwise, with the new year safely behind me, the oil slick of consideration is gone as well. Renewal of commitments made, I am looking forward to a happy 2010. I hope you are, too.

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