A chuckle for change

Remember when I wrote a week or so ago that I could feel the flux of an impending change? (A sudden disturbance in the force, Luke…)

Well. It’s here. Hah. Feels like surfing, really; you never lose the hang of it once you’ve got it (though you may huff and puff a bit for the surprise of the first lurching movements).

Alright, in no particular order:

– Turns out FHA won’t finance me outside King County. So the plan for a semi-remote sanctuary in Port Orchard (in any fashion) is done.

– I have my limit for what I’m willing to pay a month (as well as interest rate and overall cost) and finding something that doesn’t require another layer of complication or coordination is the goal (after all, juggling college, work, and this process is quite enough, thankyouverymuch! Once this is settled, however it may be settled, I’m going into rest mode for a time).

– I have until precisely April 1st to find a place, tender and receive acceptance on an offer. If this is not in place by then, succinctly, the hunt is off. Period. (Hard deadlines at work and for scheduling vacation along with requirements from the underwriter for processing time and the deadline for the tax credit, which is largely motivating this push).

So, I’m sitting on a nice cushion of cash until whatever is going to happen, happens (which is comfortable; I’ve not had something like this since oh… 2000). And I’m back to scanning the listings (albeit half-heartedly at this point. I told my agent today that it’s time for him to earn his commission because, frankly, I can’t afford to pour the same level of energy into this that I have been giving it; honestly, my hair is starting to fall out from the stress and that’s just not acceptable).

I also realized today that I’ve let something rather important slide far longer than it should. Normally, as a reward for being responsible, staying on budget, and generally doing what I should as I should, I give myself a little treat. As of today, it has been six months backsliding on this ritual. Therefore, this Friday, March 26, 2010 has been officially declared, “Bonnie’s day of pampering and reward for being a good girl and working her arse off and damn well deserving it.”

I am taking myself for a day at the spa. A full day. Well, ok, five hours, but it’s close enough! We’ll see if I have to pool my way home (reduced to jello) or not. Heh.

Not much more to report. I’m off to curl up with cats and basically relax. I am specifically NOT researching real estate tonight.

Nope. Not even one peek.

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