Unusually, looking forward

It is highly unusual that I actively look forward in life. More so that I look forward to a particular thing/event. Today, I am looking forward to tomorrow for two of them. Heh. Mind you, the rain (which slipped in during the night and actually woke me for the mighty barometric flux just before beginning) is kicking my hiney today. Ache. Throb. Stiffness. I am going to be late for work thanks to it…. it’s annoying to know such a thing, but then, it’s annoying to suddenly find yourself made into a turtle for reasons that simply won’t be shaken off. (shrug) Is as it is.

Hah. Would you look at that? I did it again. Well. (more determined look)

I am looking forward to two really nice things tomorrow and even if I have to crawl to get to them I am going to enjoy both to the absolute fullest.

So there!


See? The only time that shit hangs around (or has to) is when I say it does. “It’s not the boss of me!” Heh.

I feel better already. Now, if you’ll pardon me, I’m going to crawl to work…. ~wink~

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