Now, I’m the last one in the world to “go for” this kind of thing, but…

… this is the frakking National Press Club, and people who have a good deal of both authority, credibility, and supporting information standing up in this video saying this stuff.

Oh, and the FoI disclosures they mention? Yeah… I spent the time to confirm them, which is why you’ll note this item is released May 12th of this year, with a origination date of September, 2010, and I’m only getting to posting it now.

I’m the first one to say that I’m skeptical as all get out and yes, there’s a LOT of things to which something like this MIGHT be attributed.

All that said, I admire that these folks endured the extreme elements who showed up to “make their statements” and selfishly occluded and interfered with their calm, simple, and frank attempt to share their experiences and make their request (that something IS going on and that the public deserves to know what it is, even if it means official sources saying, “we’re just not sure”) heard.

I have oft scoffed at this sort of thing, but it’s kind of hard to scoff at seasoned military folks (at least, it is for me). To me, this is uniquely credible in context and equally significant (at least to me) in that the level of the folk talking in this video is, frankly, unheard of until now…. particularly in this venue (which ought to carry its own message).

Original link:

(For some reason, it isn’t allowing me to embed this; soooo… I snagged a copy of the FLV file, converted it to WMV (Windows Media Player) and will just host it myself:

Link (will open in new window)

(Note: Admittedly, I gave up on the question and answer session as it seemed several people with their own agendas were just intent on using the presentation to push themselves at the media gathered there.)

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