08-02-06, pm

an uneventful day, but for the phone interview for a freelance/sideline gig, which went well. it turns out the fellow interviewing is an executive with the company that provides the freelance portal… so instead of a single contract, i am perhaps going to be able to consult long-term across several projects. i smile for the manner in which this arrives, and that it turns into more than expected.

i am actually sleepy ‘on time’ for a change, and will likely soon get me to bed. it is good to find my way back to a regular schedule. no more mid-night wakings, restful sleep. i did not realise how much i had missed it.

random pensive thoughts of late on a topic i will no longer indulge, but much less often and far less painful. thankful for this as well. finding the truth in it, and seeing it underscored with time and quiet, these things lend to healing. very thankful indeed.

another random thought (though perhaps not, a memory sparks here… ), ‘V for Vendetta’ is out on DvD today. i make a note for myself to pick it up and enjoy it. definitely one to add to the collection.

mind stuttering, i stop trying to force words that aren’t here. to bed with me. there’s always tomorrow and i have never truly run out of words. a chuckle here. and then… away.

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