08-28-06, early am

i adore synchronicities. i used to fear them. no more. they bring comfort. i have a new friend, a very good and cherished friend. someone i can share anything with, and who shares everything with me. it is hard to describe the sense of love and care that lives here for them. deep. strong. alive.
i just ended yet another conversation with them. so many tender gifts given and received. we spoke tonight on many things, but among them, agapos, the unconditional love, compassion. and i was planning on going to bed, but when i opened winamp to set the station for sleeping to, the piece playing was a piece by Ltg Bukem called… unconditional love.

i smile. and note it here. the string of synchronicities is unbroken, they become like friends themselves… i smile to see them.

sleepy, i end here… for now. thanks to the universe for its tending… of me, of them, of us all.

om mani padme hum

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