09-06-06, afternoon

unemployment filed. should kick in just about the time i’ll need it. relief. yes.

strange synchronicities, an email smile from a friend in California and mention of a television series. hint of an inquiry as to my interest in scriptwriting. i’m curious. and interested. we’ll see.
in other news, an email reply from a submission to a large gaming company in the same vicinity. they’ve an opening for associate producer and apparently, have more insight than my last employer as to how my background and skillset match up to their needs. i’m cautiously optimistic.

truth be known, i’m not picky. anything that keeps the bills paid is fine by me, and it could as well be WalMart as [big name company]. for that matter, i’d be just as happy making some executive look amazing and on the ball at all times.

i figure not having any “professional pride” to screw me up is a good thing. i’m not too proud to work, nor to take a job someone else sneers at… and that’s why this isn’t going to be a disaster of months or years for me.

i can feel something good coming. hard to describe. Focus. if you’ve heard me on this subject, there is nothing more to be said… and if you haven’t, stick around… you will. heh.

freedom remains. i smile. everything in its right place. is it. and as it is, it is enough.

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