09-20-06, early pm

strange happening as i went to run errands and fill the gas tank. i’ve been going to the same station for some time now… the folks that run it are Buddhist, we talk now and then as i’m in line or when it is slow for them.

today, in passing, i mentioned i am back on the job market. the fellow at the register stopped cold, looked at me, and said, ‘well don’t you worry. you’ll have something by two monday’s from now.’ i chuckled and said, ‘well i sure hope you’re right.’ and he got very serious and looked at me almost sternly and said, ‘you don’t need to hope. i’m telling you it is so.’

understand, we’re not close enough for something like that to be said in the course of the usually casual conversation we have… and it crossed my mind the many times i’ve had such feelings or, in some cases, dreams of someone i didn’t know only to meet them later and say similiar things, then find later that they happened.

so… i’m mildly curious and somewhat content to see what arrives in this next two weeks.

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