I wish I could say I am being overly fretful. I am not.
This is not a clever headline (because it’s about something that matters to me): Education in America
We are not doing well, America. We’re too busy arguing about whatever dichotomy’s deacons/esses of […]
The dangers of our dichotomies
I have come to an awareness that, perhaps for the first time in our country’s […]
The United States of America needs another, better model of management
There should be a program that balances Federal funds AGAINST state incentives in such a […]
Pure Seeds, for life.
I am utterly certain that someone much more famous than I have said these things […]
A thought of thread
I remember my mother, in the deep of night, as I slept. A brief memory, […]
Global Needs
They say there is no truly original thought remaining to humankind; that all advance, all […]
Note to self: MMO analysis points (industry)
As the MMO genre continues to evolve in (what is now) a much more mutable […]