waking early, coffee in hand, i’m chuckling over certain changes noted and the things they […]
09-19-06, early pm
elsewhere, a pundit asked the question, ‘what would Trump do?’ the question was in regard […]
09-19-06, am
spent most of yesterday gaping at my computer in astonishment as it slowly fell apart. […]
09-17-06, pm
steak and potato in the oven, the smell is at once torment and promise. heh. […]
09-17-06, am sleepless
as usual, when unable to sleep, i turn to the sangha. a helpful piece i […]
09-16-06, early am
talking to my friend tonight (uk), they asked me a weird question. several, actually, but […]
09-15-06, noonish
the things we take for granted at times are amazing. i woke this morning and […]
09-14-06, almost noon
today’s horoscope (not something i usually look at) is interesting. it says, ‘the disappointments you […]