spring cleaning (book list)

when i return to active study, it will be to order and read some new books and set whatever is found in me as a result to practice.

(at this point, a small note — since discovering these publishers, i have chosen to order only through them, rather than amazon or other outlets for the manner in which they, in turn, support others. all listings available from Wisdom Publications are linked to them, the same for Shambhala Publications.)

Currently Reading:

The Words of My Perfect Teacher
by Patrul Rinpoche
ISBN 1-57062-412-7

Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?
by Ajahn Brahm
ISBN 0-86171-278-1

On the List To Order:

Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond
by Ajahn Brahm
ISBN 0-86171-275-7

Liberation In The Palm of Your Hand
by Pabongka Rinpoche
ISBN 0-86171-500-4

Meditation on Emptiness
by Jeffrey Hopkins
ISBN 0-86171-110-6

Becoming A Child of The Buddhas
by Gomo Tulku
ISBN 0-86171-137-4

Drinking The Mountain Stream
by Lama Kunga Rinpoche and Brian Cutillo
ISBN 0-86171-063-0

Advice from a Spiritual Friend
by Geshe Rabten and Geshe Dhargyey
ISBN 0-86171-193-9

The Fulfillment of All Hopes
by Tsongkhapa (translated by Gareth Sparham)
ISBN 0-86171-153-X

Awakening the Mind
by Geshe Namgyal Wangchen
ISBN 0-86171-102-5

Becoming Vajrasattva
by Lama Yeshe
ISBN 0-86171-389-3

Advanced Study (future):

[update to follow with this listing]

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